The Philosophy

Because of the changing world of computers (see why touchtype?), SESType is a little different from older programs - it is based around accuracy, rather than speed. Typing precisely, without the need to correct mistakes, means that you can keep up with your thoughts, and makes typing so much more relaxing.

The other difference between SESType and some other courses is that it consists of several hundred very short exercises, rather than long pieces of text. Watch someone typing an email - they'll type in short bursts, rather than in the huge pages of text that old typing coursebooks made you type. Using shorter exercises is also necessary in order to pick up accuracy without driving you insane!

So, although SESType does tell you your typing speed, concentrate on accuracy not your speed. You will automatically pick up speed as you begin to learn exactly where each of the keys are. Soon, you will not think about your fingers on the keyboard at all, just about what it is you want to write. (The speed you type in SESType will be much lower than in more traditionally based typing programs, because you take time to get up speed at the beginning of the exercise, but it will be much closer to how fast you type essays or emails)

More about how to type